Monday, January 28, 2008


Stacie tagged me so here I go...

Two names I go by:
1: Mom
2: That nice girl that comes to see me..... (that would be my hospice name)

Two things I am wearing right now:
1: My scrub bottoms
2: Grey sweater cause it is soooo cold!!!

Two of my favorite things to do:
1: Read
2: Hanging out with family and friends

Two things I want very badly at this moment:
1: To be in Hawaii with Mom, Dad, Grandma and Angie
2: Some sunshine

Two favorite pets I have/ have had:
(disclaimer: I don't like animals)
1: Little Debbie (our cute little frog that that comes in a little tank that all you have to do is to feed it once a week.) Yes she was named after the snack cakes... guess who named her?????
2: Teeko (the new little frog to replace the Little Debbie)

Two things I did last night:
1: Watched House
2: Took a bath-- what a night hugh!!!!

Two things I ate today:
1: Glass a juice.
2: Glass of water...still waiting on those taste buds to return.

Two people I talked last to:
1: Phil
2: Neurologist-- Surprised anyone???

Two longest car rides:
1: Primary Childrens to my house.
2: UVRMC NICU to my house all 3 times.
other than those I love to ride in the car.

Favorite Holidays:
1: Christmas
2: Halloween

Two favorite Beverages:
1: I think I will put Dr. Pepper because maybe someday I will be able to taste it again.
2: Hot Chocolate

I am going to tag:
Angie, Pam and Paul or Jenn. As soon as everyone gets theirs up and running!!!


Stacie said...

Yeah for you! Don't be too surprised to get tagged again. I've got to get around to doing the other one soon. Then I am all done playing don't tag me back :)