I sure do love my little Jenica. I can't imagine how my life would have been without her, she brings daily humor. Today right after I finished getting dressed she came in my room, sat on my bed and asked if she could give me a kiss. I said sure, so she threw her arms around me and gave me a big kiss. She had just changed clothes again so I said to her that she looked beautiful. And she said, "I do, don't I? I wish you could be beautiful like me."
What is not to love about that. All my kids have their own way of making life fun but Jenica sure puts it right out there. Phil is convinced she will grow up and be on the debate team. I sure hope that whoever she goes up against is prepared to loose. Neither Phil nor I stand a chance against her right now and she is only 4. She also told me today that it would ONLY be 12 more years until she drove. Who she has been talking to about this or what they have been saying I don't know, but she has started a countdown already. She asked if she could just use my drivers license until she was old enough to get her own.....heaven help us all!!
What A Deal!!!!
16 years ago
that is a scary thought of Jenica driving. SCARY!!
You should write a "Jenica" book. I love that little princess. I love that she knows she is a princess! She once told me I couldn't be a princess because I didn't have pretty dresses, but she did! lol! (Threw that last one in for dad)
That is the funniest thing I have heard in a long time. Wow you guys sure do have your hands full, and it sounds like it is only going to get worst. Good Luck!
Maybe in a few years she can drive me and mom around when you guys take our driving license away from us. Can't wait.
Hey Marci, I was blog hopping and came across your blog. I've been wondering how you were doing. Now we just need to get Starre to do a blog. Anyway, my blog is http://eliangelamcmillan.blogspot.com With all the blogs I've found in the last week, I feel like I'm back in highschool. =)
That is too funny!!!! Don't ya just love kids? I am glad you found my blog so now I can see yours.
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